Adding A Splash Screen And Icons To A Expo App In 5 Minutes

Geek Culture
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2021


Even the smallest of the Details Matter for an app to be successful

What Are Splash Screen And Configurations Explanation

You have made a great app and of course, why not publish it right? But if you open your expo app and see the default boring splash screen provided by Expo, you ……… “Wait, What’s a Splash screen first of all?”

Seeing the Image above you would have probably got an idea of what I am talking about. Basically, When we start an app, It requires some time to run or load the fonts/assets and app is not immediately available. So, Splash screen is basically the screen that the user see while the app is in loading state.

What About the Device Sizes?

No Problem, Expo has got us covered.
“Incase of Ios devices we can go with 1242 pixels wide and 2436 pixels tall -- this is the width of the iPhone 8 Plus (the widest iPhone) and the height of the iPhone X (the tallest iPhone). But In the case of Android, screen sizes vary greatly with the massive variety of devices on the market. One strategy to deal with this is to look at the most common resolutions and design around that — you can see a list of devices and their resolutions here”. You can see this expo doc where I have copied the above info😁😁

Configuring the splash screen

You can configure your splash screen in the app.jsonfile and read about all the properties from the expo guide below:
splash.image (Note: Splash screen image has no background)

What Are Icons And Configurations Explanation

When you publish your app, the app Icon is what people see on AppStore/Play stores and also on the user’s home screen.

Icon Size:

As suggested by the expo, we can use 1024x1024 on both android and ios devices. And also make sure the icon must be exactly square, i.e. a 1023x1024 icon is not valid.

Configuring the Icons for android

In Android, we have to do some extra configuration, rather than just specifying the icon in app.json . You can about all those settings here and why we need them. Basically, you need to provide the 2 separate layers:

  • android.adaptiveIcon.foregroundImage (generally assets/adaptive-icon.png )
  • android.adaptiveIcon.backgroundImage

Again, Check about these 2 layers here.

Creating Icons and Splash Screen

I will be adding Icons and splash-screen to WhatsApp-Clone Project. For Creating the Icons use can use “Canva”, “AdobeXD” and so on. But I created it with the Figma template as told in expo docs. If you wanna know how to create icons here, see this video. But Below 👇 are the icons that I created with Figma.

My above-created Icon in Figma

Also, download the Icons here if you don't wanna go to Figma.

Replacing The Files And Reviewing The Entire App.json File

So, after downloading the assets just go to your project assets folder and replace the 3 files which I have highlighted. The files you download would be named automatically to their specific name so NO WORRIES! Delete the old files if you want. You could also delete assets/fsvicon.png file cuz that is used for the web and our app is not for the web.

Also, Below 👇 is the whole App.json file with all the configuration as told above:

App.json with changed Icons

Final OutPut

FInal OutPut

So, Easy right!…. That’s how easily you can add icons and a Splash screen to your app. If you need a tutorial for publishing or building an Expo App, Do comment. Hope you enjoyed this article and Till Then

Stay Safe; Stay Healthy

Thank You



Geek Culture

Hi folks! I am Harsh Vardhan Jain, you can call me HVJ, I aim to learn together and share my thoughts on developments in the coding world